What you wrote painted my picture so clearly and I’m excited to be able to go on a journey with someone else like me. Here’s the thing, I am a Christ follower and I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, that I’m made in the image of God (still trying to figure out exactly what that means), and that my husband and family all say I’m beautiful (because they have to), but I still feel so ugly. This outside view I have of myself is starting to deteriorate my insides. I feel so depressed, detached, unhappy and FOR WHAT???!!!! It’s just so frustrating, to say the least, and it’s a vicious cycle of diet after diet and at the end of the day, I JUST LIKE FOOD! Yes, those caps are me screaming. I’m trying my best to chose joy each day but it’s hard to see past my flaws and one of those flaws is believing that someone, anyone else except me, will lose weight and feel better in mind, body and spirit. Why do I feel that way? I mean, I have seen myself work my butt off exercising and I’ve done NutriSystem, Atkins, Beach Body, Weight Watchers, South Beach, you name it. It just never fails that something happens out of my control and derails me from my journey. I regress back to my old ways and stay mad that I’m never gonna be pretty enough, skinny enough, or confident enough. Growing up, my mama was anorexic and bulimic. She still, to this day, sends me articles of how I can lose weight, so ya see where this is going? Yeah and it’s not a good thing. BUT, I really really want to show and prove that I can do it because I want to be able to play with my children and one day, grandchildren, get up from sitting Indian style on the ground without horrible joint pain, have more energy, and just live this life that God has blessed me with. Melissa, you just don’t know many times my days have been made better by your posts and videos. Your boldness and bravery are two things I want, and I swear, I’m gonna get it one day.

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I was just thinking about this the other day... knowing I need to do it but not knowing how I was going to do it. What do I try first? Which is the best way or the right way? The fastes way even! And it’s going to be by trial and error. I am 51 years old. Seven years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a bilateral mastectomy, a port put in, chemo, lost all my hair, radiation and some reconstruction. I didn’t want implants so I don’t have great boobs anymore lol! Because the cancer was also in my lymph nodes and they removed all of those in my left arm I now have lymph edema in my arm. It is swollen and painful everyday. I took estrogen blocking drugs for five years which threw me into early menopause. I’m tired all the time. I became depressed. Most people I’ve ever known who got cancer lost weight, sometimes too much, from being so sick! With all the chemo and steroids and hormone drugs I have packed on 60 pounds since then! I hate buying clothes. Not only because I’m fat but my chest isn’t right. I don’t wear anything that buttons up the front or v neck. Pullover only. Because of my swollen arm I have to wear a compression sleeve everyday so nothing sleeveless and must have bigger, stretchy or bell sleeves. I want something long. All my pants are black. I’m always trying to cover up. I hate my scarred up jacked up body! I have two grown sons ages 27 and 22. I weigh more now than I ever have even 9 months pregnant! I don’t feel like Ive ever gotten back to feeling the way I was before. I have no energy. Six years ago after completing my radiation we adopted a beautiful baby girl, Isabella (Bella). She came to us suddenly and unexpectedly but oh what a blessing and a joy she has been! My angel! She was 3 weeks old and she knows no different. One day she will ask questions I’m sure and I will prepare for that. But she gave me something and someone to care for and focus on other than myself. Especially since my boys have lived out on their own for a while now. She’s my little best friend. I love dressing her up and buying her pretty clothes. And ya know us southern mommas got to have them big hair bows! And like we often do as moms of small children I’ve let myself go. She asked me recently when she turned 13 would I be old and who would she live with if I die!?! This made me so sad and scared me to death at the same time! In seven years when she is 13 I will be 58 which doesn’t sound old to me. We adopted her later in our years so we are older parents. But I want to be here much longer than that! I want to see her date and go to college and get married and have babies of her own! I need to take care of myself! For her! She needs me. I don’t want to be fat or have heart issues or diabetes. I want to enjoy life with her. I also just got my first grandbaby, another beautiful girl Paisley-Kate, two weeks ago. I want to be around for her too and be a fun Nana and not a tired old grandma. So yes! Take me on this journey with you! We will laugh together, cry together, encourage each other, share with one another and pray for one another. Not only am I letting myself down and my children down I’m letting God down! Everyday I prayed for Him to not let the cancer kill me and I’m killing my self by neglecting my health! So let’s do this! Together! Iron sharpens iron!


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I’m in with both feet - and my bootylicious booty, my three chins, my double love handles, and a smile from ear to ear! I’ve been posting on my Pinterest page - recipes, beginner exercises, and healthier-ish recipes. So this is sweet perfection! XoShar

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Dec 10, 2020Liked by Melissa Radke

Let’s do this!

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I'm so in! This is what I need! I have lost 76 pounds so far and have between 10 and 20 more to go. But that's the easy part! The hard part is maintaining the weight loss! We CAN DO this! I will be here for you and we will help each other! I'm 60 years old and need this! Bless you!

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You got this! I started my journey right before the world shut down and I managed to stay on my journey through Covid! Today I stepped on the scale and hit my first goal: 50 lbs. I still have a ways to go but I’m doing it! Slowly but surely. We’re in this together! You can do it too!

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I’m in. It will be hard. I will miss the Dr. Pepper. Jesus take the wheel...

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So proud of you for being vulnerable and for taking us along for the ride.

If I am being honest, I want to join you more than anything as I am about to enter the 50's and want to do so being heathy. I am going to TRY and like you said, many bad things will probably go into my mouth and bad words may come out but I will promise you that I will be there cheering you on! I admire your go getter attitude!

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Definitely WITH you! But I have to say...I thought I HAVE BEEN with you bc everything you’ve said so far feels like you’re just putting the words of my life on paper (or the screen as the case may be). So, hang in there and LET’S DO IT!

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I'm in! I lost the 21 lbs last year that I wanted to for my son's wedding, which of course has been postponed. I gave myself permission to enjoy the foods I've done without for eight months over the holidays. I'm being moderate, but have put on 5 lbs, which is okay. Come January I will commit to losing whatever I have gained, plus an additional 5-10 lbs. at 61, hormones depleted and metabolism slow, I may have to accept that I can't get below 150, and that's ok. I have a great tool to share; the "Lose It" app. Accountability is key, and in 311 days I have logged everything I've eaten, every drink, I have weighed in every single day, and it connects to my Apple watch for steps and exercise. I use it to share recipes that I've created to give me the flavors I crave, without the calories. It shows me I have been consistent, it identifies positive patterns and food choices. I have NEVER dieted this way before. GAME CHANGER! I'm doing this for life. I want to be healthy and fit for my eventual grandchildren. I want to be active and able to travel (again) and walk all day through the streets of Venice, Paris, Florence and I want to hike the cliffs of Priano and look down at the Mediterranean. It's a mindset now. A lifestyle. Not just a diet. Let's do this!

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I'm in and by that I mean I am mentally totally ready, but my reality is that I will probably never do anything more than say I am in. That is what I do and I am really good at it. I am great at the planning the thinking and the zero follow through. I am in my 40s and know I need to be healthier more than anything and I still don't do it. I know I need to set an example for my children of health and setting goals and working to reach them and I know I need it for my self. I have tried everything on the market, so please fee free to ask if you need any feedback, and I mean everything, even seaweed drops!! Also, you need to know we are friends. I know, seems strange that you have not met me, but I first heard of you at my church in San Angelo and came and listened to you and laughed my butt off and we instantly became bffs and I have stalked you since, so we have that going for us!! All this to say I never comment on posts especially if other people can see it because that is accountability and the less I have the easier it is for me to quit without the disappointing looks. So your post has inspired me. It got me to leave you this response and I think you are the kind of person I need to do this journey with. You are my kind of people. So for this moment I am all in. Now that can completely change on any given day between now and Jan 1st, but it will change back and that is how this fun little game will go until the first of the year and then I am really going to try and do something and really do it this time.

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Uggh - I wrote a whole big post and lost it- so - ra ra - let’s go - I’m in

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Yes to all of it! I lost 35 pounds and gained 15 of it back since June. I am getting myself in gear to lose it again.

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I have started taking steps towards a gastric sleeve. I’ll go on this journey with you!!

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My husband died this year after a two year battle with spinal cord damage. I was a zombie and went to stay with my daughter for several months. After two weeks I realized I HAD to do something. I started walking-no plan, no purpose other than to survive the pain and to find a way to LIVE through it. I felt like Forest Gump when he just started running across the U.S. I was in bad shape, after eating junk food at the hospitals and not taking care of me, during the painful journey of the past two years. I made it my mission to walk every day and I have kept walking. e Then I decided to change how I was eating to see what else would happen. So far 40 pounds have gone away and I just keep walking. You can do this-in the worst of the pain or humiliation or whatever is driving you...just put each day out there like a step-one foot at a time. You may crawl for awhile, but eventually you will be able to stand up and inch forward. It feels like crawling through broken glass on your hands and knees. And it hurts when you fall. But it also gives you strength. Be tough-it's for you. :-)

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Yeppers! I’m already doing the thing, but I need encouragement and am willing to encourage! I started in June, and the more help one gets the better the results.

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