So I have had several things in my life that have caused hair loss. Luckily one of my Diva sisters is a hair stylist and has helped me through each time. First time was when I got pregnant with my child not huge hair loss, but lost all the wave to my hair and it went almost completely straight. Second time was large weight loss. This time it was significant. Used Nioxin at that point and I actually stopped losing so much hair(didn't completely stop it, but definitely helped), it also stimulated new growth. Then came menopause and a hysterectomy. (Yes by now you can guess I am old) Hormones completely out of wack and although I continue to lose hair, I also have new hair growth, but hate the sprigs. Also I am thinking of starting a new business of facial hair growth harvesting to make wigs. (Hormones are a wicked thing) So this time around she has suggested Zenagen. Keep the stories coming, they always bring a smile to my face and so much to relate to.

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While I agree that you probably need to have your meds adjusted, a few years ago I had the same problem. A shedding cat had nothing on the hands full of hair that was cleaned up everyday. At that time I was also having some heart issues and working with a cardiologist. He told me to add 1 small or half of a large avocado to my diet everyday to help with cholesterol control . After a few days I noticed the shedding stopped. Now if I miss my avocado for several days I am back to shedding. So avocado toast for breakfast is my go to now. I am 66 yrs old and my hair is thicker than when I was in my 20's.

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If Remi says she isn’t shedding hair, she’s lying! Lol. I’ve had thick, long hair all my life and have shed thick, long hair ALL my life! I used to work in a dermatology office and the doctor shed that shedding around 200 strands of hair each time you wash it is normal. (This is based on washing one’s hair about three times a week.) There is a phase that hair can go into called Telogen effluvium, which is when hair follicles slip into a resting phase due to the body undergoing some type of unusual stress, a.k.a. a new diet with limited caloric intake. It’s happened to me after the birth of both of my children and after surgeries I’ve had. It’s also happened when I’ve lost weight. It doesn’t last forever and hair will regrow, maybe not as thick, but nevertheless grow. Take some extra Vitamin E which is good for skin, hair, and nails.

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I had hair loss to the point I had two bald spots about 1.5-2 inches in diameter. After consulting with my hairdresser she suggested making sure I was consuming at least 60 grams of protein per day. I was dieting at the time and eating lots of veggies but not much protein. It took a few months for it to all grow back but I noticed new hair growth in just 2-3 weeks after upping the protein. Thank God because I could never pull off the Bruce Willis look! 😁

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Hair thinning and hair loss are symptoms of PCOS. Dealing with the same. Low progesterone is another contributing factor. Estrogen becomes dominant. Progesterone helps to block what causes hair loss. I’ve done a little research and I’m clearly not a doctor but I’ve heard Anna’s Wild Yam Cream is the best natural progesterone booster out there. Mine’s on the way! Here’s to our 40s!

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Hey Melissa! So funny, but all so true! You should ask your hairdresser to get you a shampoo called Actiiv for women. I am actually a beauty supply rep for professional salons. We have several different brands that we carry for hair loss/shedding and the Actiiv brand is actually very good. It cleanses the hair follicle of product, sebum and most importantly the hormone dht. The dht is what causes the hair loss. I can not sell it to you but your hairdresser can purchase it from her beauty supply. You can also look it up on there website online. I’m a big fan! Good luck!

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(✿◠‿◕)Hey beautiful girl!

I'm new here but I must say that I am all too happy to finally have a place where I can share...

My full head of thick lucious locks started thinning after my hysterectomy 18 years ago. I was a size 7 through high school then jumped to a 12-14 in my 20's. By the time I had my daughter at 30 I was an18 then about the same weight after the birth of my son at 32. Now I am the biggest I've ever been in my life - just reached 200 on the scale (~_~メ) I wear a 22 pant and 2x-3x Shirts. My "Girls" are DDD and my hips are definitely a WWWide LOAD (●__●) these days!

Most recently I started taking collagen supplements for my hair issue but make sure you're buying a quality product. There's a lot of crap being sold out there. It's been about 3 months and not only have I noticed less hair in my brush but my nails are so much stronger! ୧(^ 〰 ^)୨

My weight has fluctuated a lot since 2002, ¯\(°_o)/¯ One minute I was wallpapering the bathroom with my husband and the next my entire life changed in the blink of an eye when I fell off the ladder. At the time of my accident I was 33, my L4, L5 and sciatica will never be the same again. (´⊙ω⊙`)!

In 2009 I began taking Lyrica for my back pain and a Fibromyalgia diagnosis which put me up 50lbs in 6 months. ⊙>⊙ However, it was a way to relieve pain without taking opioids and after having a single Mom that was an addict it seemed like a no brainer at the time.

Until my back injury, I had always been very active. ♪┌|∵|┘♪

I started working when I was 14 years old and generally held 2-3 jobs at once. Over the years I worked in Early Childhood Education, Doctor's Offices, Medical Insurance and many Home Sales ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ$ and Retail Jobs but snce I had to stop working I've developed osteoarthritis in my ankles, knees, hips, severe migraines that last anywhere from 1-8 days at a time, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia and last year was also diagnosed with bulging and herniated discs.(ب_ب) So, adding extra weight from taking the Lyrica didn't help.

On top of all of that about 3 years ago I began noticing memory issues. I started to forget random words mid sentence like coffee, yellow, etc... it was incredibly abnormal for me especially since I've always been praised for my extensive vocabulary in school and at work over the years.

So, I discussed the issues with my Doctor and she basically chalked it up to getting older. I just turned 52 in January...and my memory issues were getting worse each year. I began finding myself going to a different room, getting out my computer to look up something or whatever else...only to forget why I was there and or what I was doing. Typically I was under the impression that people with alzheimer's can have problems with their memory at my age but other than that it didn't usually happen to people until they were in their 70's, 80's & 90's.

So, last January I came to a point when I decided to take a more active approach to my health. I started researching vitamins, supplements and advice for memory loss and I was amazed at how often Lyrica kept coming up in my searches. When I brought this up to my Dr. she didn't confirm or deny it but I decided after so many years on Lyrica and dealing with it's side effects that it was time to stop taking it.

Once I did this my weight increased yet again another 40 pounds within 6 weeks. Other than taking a multi vitamin and vitamin D nothing else had been changed like my diet or anything so my Doctor was convinced it was my body adjusting to not having the Lyrica anymore. I was like...seriously!!?!?(ʘ言ʘ╬)

Being this weight is a bit much for my body since I'm barely 5'2".

Needless to say I wish I stopped the Lyrica years sooner or better yet never even started it in the first place! *・(^O^)↝ plus add the the weight gain I had when I began it then as I continued taking it and adding another 40 pounds after stopping it along with having memory issues and feeling the difference in mental clarity after I stopped taking it -

it was absolutely not worth it. ←(•ˇ_ˇ•)→ Plus who knows what other side effects they are going to find out about in another 10 years! So....PLEASE listen to me and if you are given the choice to take this medication think hard and long about your choice and pay attention to your side effects if you choose to start it! The difference in my mental clarity alone since I've stopped has been night and day! The foggy brain feeling (°_o) I've experienced for years was something that I never really noticed as it got worse but once it was gone it was ridiculously clear to me that it was yet another side effect of the Lyrica all along. I know I've likely done permanent damage to my brain but being off this medication for a year has improved my "forgetfulness" significantly and I'm hopeful the longer I'm off it the better I'll be.

Although I've caused myself a hella battle with my weight I know that my issues are not primarily a food issue and what or how much I'm eating. I'm sure that is part of the solution but over the years I've come to realize through nutritionists and tracking my food that my issues have been primarily based on the side effects of my medication(s), my thyroid/metabolism issues and having a difficult time with excercise since my ankle, knee and back pain has been so prevalent for so long.

So, this January I decided to take another step in the right direction. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

My portion size is adequate since I am not generally an over eater but since I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my lung in June I know I had been eating more prepared food than normal because I was short of breath and it was harder to spend a lot of time preparing it. So, since my health had improved I made an effort to cut back on boxed items. I didn't change anything else besides cutting back on sugar, plus switched (most of my) coffee to herbal tea Harney and Sons - Raspberry, Peppermint and Hot Cinnamon-(•ө•)♡ So YUMMY! So far... I'm down 9 pounds. I know it's not a lot since August but considering my Doctor has told me specifically not to attempt any fad diets especially Keto and because my activity is so limited I will take the slow and steady progress.

I did just recently place an order for stretch bands ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ and hope to be able to use them. I have issues with standing for more than a few minutes because of my herniated discs and I am pretty sure they are pinching a nerve because I lose feeling in my arms and legs fairly quickly (ꏿ﹏ꏿ)so we'll have to see how it all works out. I admit my pain definitely increased when I stopped the Lyrica and to compensate I started taking CBD in it's place. It's not a cure all but it definitely helps.(◔‿◔)

Once I get the Covid vaccine in the spring Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ with Group B

I plan to get back into massage therapy and accupuncture. I also started looking into dry needling which is similar to accupuncture but directed more towards pain management. Getting out (^._.^)ノ and being my more active will definitely help - that's for sure.

Anyway, sorry this is so long! I've only been to my doctor and the vets (=^・ェ・^=) since last February and mostly gave up on FB because of all of the politics but slowly came back on around the holidays (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ and I'm so glad I did 'cause I found you (๑˙❥˙๑) It felt good to talk about all this stuff! My husband is a trucker and has been working so much since all of this began....I have to admit I've been feeling pretty lonely.♡

(◠‿・)—☆Thanks for listening

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Hey- I lost 60 lbs... I started taking vitamins for hair loss AND energy. It’s been 18 months and the hair does come back but it’s not as amazing as it once was. Make sure you are taking plenty of vitamins to replenish your deficits!!!

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I did the Adkins diet several years ago, and although the weight loss was incredible, the hair loss I began to have was alarming. The first question a dermatologist had was had I been on a more extreme diet lately. He assured me that the hair loss would stop, and it would not be permanent. I did back off the diet, though, since wanting to be thin was not as compelling as not wanting to be bald.

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I have Thyroid problems too and I don’t care if I don’t eat or if I do eat I still gain weight. I’m 63 and I’m so sick of the way I look

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Well, I am losing a ton of hair. I cut it insanely short to avoid it. Now I am wearing a wig to feel pretty again. Moral, I have no idea what to do.

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I've been on Synthroid for almost 11 years now. My hair is falling out daily. I'm really surprised I even have any left. My Doc has up'd my meds and so far, I've not noticed ANYTHING. How are your nails?

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Great topic!! I too feel that my hair is my only asset that I can cling to! I too am on a thyroid med, I’ve adjusted my vitamins, I eat pretty conscientious. But. My. Hair. What is up with me losing so much?!?! I just turned 50 last year. I can tell you I’m menopausal. ☹️ I can deal with the graying of my brunette hair. What I CANNOT deal with is losing it to thin and falling out. It makes me sad. I’m raising a flag in solidarity with you to get some help from our older mentors that can help us cope with this stage. This stage really hurts. I do not like it. 💔

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I started loosing my luscious locks after the birth of my second , and yes I'm going to say it! Favorite child. She was every thing I wished for and then the sink would fill with my long chocolate brown hair. Hormones, that is what my doctor told me and I believed him. I gave birth to 4 humans and with each one more came out. Now in peri-menopause and my hair has decided to leave me again. I kept it lighter just to not show you can see my scalp through the thin veil of what used to be. I am shook as they like to say now when I look in the mirror and see just how little I have left. Pony tails that used to leave bruises on my tender head now just sit limp and afraid of scrunchie or hair tie and begging not to be tortured for fear of being ripped out of their home. The sprinkling of greys which I refer to now as me growing my own glitter only add to the insult. Those suckers are strong and can take the heat of any torture curling device. I don't color it, blow dry it, curl it unless necessary any more for fear of damaging what is left. Love it while you can and do what you can to take care of its longevity and just know that we are all out here wishing for those thick luscious locks once again.

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Definite hair loss issues! I have hypothyroidism and also take a pill for that. So, when my hair started shedding by the handfulls last year, I ran to have my thyroid tested. It was still level. People asked about stress levels...and while I was planning a wedding and my job was pure hell, I couldn't convince myself that was the issue either. I had started dying my hair blonde about 1.5 years before I noticed the shedding and hair breaking and started to think that was the culprit. My hairdresser was a miracle worker and did an amazing job taking me blonde but I have convinced myself that was the main culprit. However, before I stopped the blonde (which I have done more for financial purposes, my hairdresser moving out of state, and the fact that my new husband thinks grey is sexy), I started on collagen supplements. While there is debate on their effectiveness, about 3-4 months in, I was convinced they worked for me. I started with a tablet and switched to a powder that I add to my coffee when those ran out. Gradually, no more hair clumps in the shower, hair all over my clothes, carrying a lint/hair roller with me, etc. Now, I deal with the crazy-looking stray baby hairs gowing in all over my head, but I'll take those any day over the stress of hair loss. Now, age 46 and almost one year into married life and a new teaching position that is so-less-stress, I take my supplements and vitamins, no more hair dye, and hoping to only lose weight and baggage from here on out.

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My hair sheds a ridiculous amount. I have ling think hair so I know some shedding is normal but the past 2 years it has really gotten out of control. I kept insisting it was my thyroid but my Dr couldn't find any real problem there. I did however switch to a sulfate, paraben, silicone, dies and mineral oil free shampoo. I haven't noticed the hair all over the sink or bathroom floor. My brush isn't full of hair either. Maybe this really is the solution????

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