Manoman. I'm a bit older (56) but relate so much, especially the sneezing/peeing part (oh heck, sometimes I don't even have to sneeze... it's like my brain says, "Hey, you need to go to the bathroom" and my bladder says "OK" before I've even taken one step in that direction!). Doctor visits are a pain, because even if I'm not there for anything weight-related, they're going to comment on it, despite the fact that my blood glucose is normal and my cholesterol is too. But I know there is a good chance that isn't the case right now, as the pandemic and a divorce have wreaked havoc on my mental health and I haven't had the energy to eat as healthily as I was doing; too much takeout and very little veggies (not that I was eating a ton before, but way more than I am now). Welcome to the "my body kinda hates me these days" club.

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I was like you, a “big” girl most of my adult life. No diabetes of any kind then BAM got blood work done for my “wellness” program at work and I’m pre-diabetic. I was so so so pissed!! Like wth...I don’t do a good job of tracking it because I’m mad-but I need to do better!! I feel you and I’m wishing all of us “older” ladies well-God knows we need it!

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I am 58, just wait sweetheart.

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40's weren't that bad but now the 50's are alittle (lies, alot) different. I'm like others I am multitasking by cleaning house, sneeze, cough and pee all at the same time!!! I'm a nurse and used to not be able to understand why older people were so obsessed with their bowels!!! Well........now I know!!! Oh well I'm still kicking..........and screaming on this journey we call life!!!!

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I got diagnosed with PCOS probably 5 years ago now. Hair falling out and always being big and understanding why biking 6 miles, running a mile, and a hour of strength training A DAY wasn't doing anything for weightloss because of PCOS. And bursting ovarian cysts are def not fun either. I'm glad to see im not alone when many people don't understand what its like. I won't lie ive given up on the exercising after almost a year of getting nowhere

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Wait...hold on...someone who really ‘gets it’!! Your writing wit and talents made my 66 year- old vegetative heart jumpstart. You are every females best friend. Very happy to have found your videos and now this blog. I’ve had a rough year with a sudden loss of my husband and then my sister. Your words inspire me to pull my head out of the bag of Doritos, put on the tool belt of life and get on with the messy business of being a widowed female. LOVE you.

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I'm so glad I'm here!!!! 🤗

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I was diagnosed with pcos about 12 years ago when after 5 years of ttc for baby 2 wasn’t happening. A few rounds of clomid did bless us with him. But the pcos symptoms I’m dealing with now just in my mid 30s are absolutely terrible!

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I turn 48 tomorrow and reading through this article I was like yes, yes, yes I have those aches and pains too. Sister we are in this together

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Girl I tell everyone the 40’s sucked. But I don’t know if I have gotten use to the aches and pains. The meds I take work, or if it’s in my head. The 50’s are SO MUCH BETTER! I am 56 and fell great ( as long as I take my anti- depression pill and my 800 mg. Motrin 😉

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OMG Melissa Paige you are NOT alone!! I too have all of the above and I'm 52 plus I've had to have a double mastectomy!! UGH. Being female is not for sissy's!! Love you and thank you for being you!! Keep your chin up. We only ride this rock once and will receive our beautiful bodies in heaven!!

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Yes to everything you just said! A few years ago I had a hysterectomy due to some issues and was the best thing that happened. Should’ve done it long ago! Although, now I’m surely in menopause with hot flashes, freezing cold, no sleep, mood swings. My last doctor visit was similar to yours in that we discussed several things that all led to the fact I’m in my forties! Weight gain doesn’t help my fear of sneezing or laughing to hard and tinkling on myself😂 ( I thank her for pointing that out). Doc said we’d try some things and reassess in a year. Here we go!

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Girl I am just 33 but I hear you loud and clear. And I thank you. Also, why is it so much easier to diagnose PCOS AFTER infertility issues are over 😡😡 It would have given me so much peace if I had known why when we were in the midst of that battle!!!!

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This thing is on....and I hear you loud and clear. Like a page from my own book. We are on the same page. Big Hugs from the Hill Country.

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Thank you for keeping it real! We are all in this together.

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You and me sister!

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