Melissa, I am hugging you from afar. What 2020 did for me was to crack the final layers ... I had been shattered in so many ways prior. With the sudden loss of my mom 12 weeks after a ray magic birth experience. The gradual loss of my entire family thereafter.. through hate mongering, unbroken abuse patterns, addiction... etc. covid then took my income, my work and left me with an idle mind, struggling.

But you’re right about hope. There’s a quote from Vaclav Havel about hope that I often refer back to... the poem If by Rudy Kipling - among other quotes about being planted (seeds come undone, looks like destruction but it’s growth) (if you’re in a dark place maybe you’ve been planted, bloom) (be like a lotus at home in muddy waters but Rise through the surface and bloom) etc.

You’re a beautiful light. Your humor and humility are a light in a dark world.

Sending you love and wishing you healing.

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This got me... when you wrote that you suspect others are right there with you.... yes. This. We lost our 27 year old daughter in January. It was unexpected and painful (understatement). It is still very painful... and your statement made my breath hitch in my chest.. and tears come to my eyes. Yes... this year... and last year... I am over it. BUT! We are moving forward... looking to the future...holding onto hope for a better tomorrow because you can’t live in sadness... I feel you! I hope you feel better real soon so you can be with your family!

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Prayers for you, dear friend! You are NOT alone. We have had sickness (covid and not), death, prodigal children, home flooded, major car wreck, major car repair cost on another vehicle, caring for teenagers, and elderly parents with dementia. The list can continue but is it really necessary? The last year, especially the last 7 months have been horrific. I get it. This sucks, but God is good (I think I’ve heard that somewhere 😂). I don’t know the WHY of all of this but I do know WHO is in control and is working it all for HIS glory and our good. Hang in there and know you are definitely NOT alone!

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I hear ya...my 2020 was like this actually it started in September 2019 when my brother committed suicide, then Mom ended up 2 weeks later with blood poisoning (almost lost her) and my sister-in-laws brother passed away from cancer at 49. We had a real difficult time, Last November my whole family got Covid, we gave unknowingly to my 75 yr old Mom.!! But we made it out the other side. I love you so much you are so funny and have the greatest sense of humor. I love that you are real and down to earth and I identify with you in so many ways! My best to you and your family :)

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This is the BEST thing you've ever written. Thank you.

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Hope is the balm for reality❤️

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I’m so sorry for your loss. But I’m right there with you in this year. Your blog was a great reminder I’m not alone. Last year was hard, but it was more watching hard things happen to other people and dealing with loneliness. But this year, the hard has turned personal. I also love in Texas and loved through the crazy winter storm and the next week my uncle died of a massive heart attack, marking the second brother my dad has had to bury in two years. Then two weeks ago my sissy got Covid pneumonia and was in the hospital for five days. She’s much better now but it was a hard time. But I loved your reminder of hope. Even when my eyes don’t see it, God is still in control! It reminds me James 1:2-4: “consider it pure joy when you fall into testing times. For your know the testing of your faith produces perseverance and perseverance must finish its work so you are whole and complete, lacking in nothing.”

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This eriously couldn’t come at a better time and I accepted your “club” today for a reason. You make me laugh and now you make me cry. That’s what good friends are for. Move to So Calif snd we will be friends forever. Bff

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Thank you for sharing. I know everyone has something they are going through, seems tour family has had enough! Please know I am praying for you and your family.

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Melissa, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for being so open and honest and sharing your pain. Hugs to you and your family and will continue to pray for your father.

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Melissa in your own words ....this sucks but God is still good.

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All of the above including launching an app after the Inside Out week. Bless you and yours. Prayers always. ❤️

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So sorry, this is pretty much how last year went for me. Sometimes it’s just hard to get out of bed and find a reason to do normal things. Trying to let go of sadness is hard. I will try to look for something everday that makes me happy and appreciative of a new day. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Sending my love and prayers to you Melissa. The loss of David has been a shock for my family, we loved him so much. 💔 You are right, we have HOPE, each and every moment of every day! We have God to get us through each bolt that seems to hit, and you’re right again, they just keep on hitting....but God....he is there. I love my Willmon extended family, every one of you. My prayers are flowing for peace snd comfort, and healing for all of you. Love you ❤️

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Thank you for writing this and sharing your burden. I will pray for you and your family, for comfort, strength, peace and continued hope. There is a great talk by Jeffry R. Holland called "An High Priest of Good Things to Come" It is my reminder of hope and not giving up. It is on youtube, I highly recommend it.

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Thank you for this and yes... I’m afraid I agree with you! I’m so so sorry for your loss, your pain, and your illness!!! Praying for all of you!!

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